6:30 pm18:30


You are cordially invited to the Hutt Sister Cities Foundation AGM on 10 July 2018 at Hutt City Council starting at 6:30pm.

Nominations for the HSCF Board close at 5:00pm on 5 July 2018.  Please email Paul Duffin at president@huttsistercities.org.nz if you wish to nominate someone or wish to be nominated.

Thank you.

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7:00 pm19:00

Thanksgiving Dinner

The HSCF Inaugural Thanksgiving Dinner will be held at the Angus Inn, Lower Hutt.  A fun night with musical entertainment and a traditional Thanksgiving Dinner.  Tickets are $40 and are strictly limited to 100.  Please contact Paul Duffin at president@huttsistercities.org.nz to get yours now!

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6:30 pm18:30


You are cordially invited to the Hutt Sister Cities Foundation AGM on 18 July 2017 at Hutt City Council starting at 6:30pm.

Nominations for the HSCF Board close at 5:00pm on 11 July 2017.  Please email Paul Duffin at president@huttsistercities.org.nz if you wish to nominate someone or wish to be nominated.

Thank you.

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7:00 pm19:00

Sprig and Fern Quiz Night Fundraiser

Hosted by the Lower Hutt-Minoh Sister City Teacher Exchange, Ardis and Michelle are raising funds to give their Japanese teachers a wonderful experience in New Zealand when they visit.  $10.00 per ticket, bring spare change for raffles.  Teams of up to 6.  If you are short on numbers, you can be added to a team.  To be held at the Sprig & Fern, 146 Jackson Street, Petone.

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7:00 pm19:00

HSCF Quiz Night

Our popular HSCF Quiz Night will be held at The Sprig & Fern, 146 Jackson Street, Petone.  Tickets are $10 and are on sale at the door or can be purchased by contacting Paul Duffin at president@huttsistercities.org.nz.  We will have raffles, and drinks can be purchased at the bar.  Form a team of up to eight and enjoy a great night.

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7:30 pm19:30

Minoh Teacher Exchange Movie Fundraiser

You are invited to a fundraising event.

Featuring a screening of Ghostbusters

Light House Petone
52 Beach Street
Tuesday 26th July- 8.00pm (Please arrive from 7.30pm)

Proceeds go towards Lower Hutt-Minoh “Sister City Teacher Exchange” for Michelle Gibson and Ardis O’Connor.
Thank you for your support.

Tickets $20. Please deposit money to Kiwibank Account: Minoh Japan 38 9017 0721163 00 with your name in the reference code. Please pay before 26th July. No Door Sales. Thanks.

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Lower Hutt Sister City Education Exchange Expo
6:30 pm18:30

Lower Hutt Sister City Education Exchange Expo

Teachers, Year 11/12 students and parents can find out about educational exchange opportunities for a ‘life changing’ experience in Minoh City, Osaka, Japan and Tempe, Arizona, USA. More information on these below.

Expo opens at 6.30pm and presentations start at 7.00pm

Lower Hutt Mayor Ray Wallace will be joined by representatives from Sister Cities New Zealand, The US Embassy and The Embassy of Japan.

Information packs will be available and a light supper and refreshments will follow.

To register your attendance please RSVP by Friday 26th February to Linda Goss-Wallace or call 570 3380. 


There are three exchange programmes for Lower Hutt based teachers and students to Minoh City in Osaka, Japan and Tempe, Arizona in USA. They all include being home-hosted with local families and returning the favour to delegates exchanging to Lower Hutt. Brief details are listed below, however more information will be available at the Expo event.

Lower Hutt - Minoh teacher exchange programme

  • An opportunity to embrace Japanese culture, lifestyle and education
  • Length of time - 2 weeks
  • Applications close 31st March 2016
  • Outbound travel - September/October 2016
  • Hosting inbound delegate - August/September 2017
  • Coordinated by Hutt City Council
  • Contact Linda Goss-Wallace on 570-3380 or linda.goss-wallace@huttcity.govt.nz

Lower Hutt / Tempe educator exchange programme

  • An exciting professional development experience for educators
  • Length of time - 3 weeks
  • Hosting inbound delegate - June/July
  • Outbound travel - December/January
  • Coordinated by Hutt Sister City Foundation
  • Contact Jill Vrede on 021 444 732 or  jill_sutcliffe@hotmail.com  

Lower Hutt / Tempe student exchange programme

  • A cultural, educational and personal growth experience for students
  • Year 11 & 12 students can apply to travel the following year
  • Length of time - 5 weeks
  • Hosting inbound delegate - June/July
  • Outbound travel - August/September
  • Coordinated by Hutt Sister City Foundation
  • Contact Paul Duffin on 027 628 1984 or duffinz@xtra.co.nz  
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